We all need to take a deep breath and chill out. At least, Amtrak security, JetBlue flight attendants and AirTran passengers should.
Most of the people around you are just like you, trying to get by. They are as likely to be terrorists as you are to die in a freak parachuting while being struck by lightning accident. So when someone's talking about the structural integrity of an airplane, without mentioning bombs or war or struggle, maybe wait until they actually do something wrong before kicking them off a plane and making them spend a day of their vacation in the airport trying to get to their destination?
If someone is taking pictures of trains or planes or bridges, for a PHOTO CONTEST sponsored by your marketing department, maybe don't assault them, arrest them and demand that they delete the photos they took. I understand that marketing can sometimes want to do stuff that your department disagrees with. But take it out on marketing, not some old man or woman on the train platform.
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