Friday, January 9, 2009

Social Science

I realized last night while doing my homework for my grad program that I'm working on a master's in a social science.

My least favorite academic phylum.

I double majored in physics and philosophy because I couldn't choose. I find science exciting and fascinating. I find the humanities enriching and meaningful. But I often find social studies, at least in academia, full of crackpot theories with insufficient evidence. People failing to understand the world, caught up in their own egos and giant 10 syllable jargon.

But if I want to have a degree in education, I have to spend lots of time with those people. I did know this going in, that I would find large quantities of the program an exercise in patience and hoop-jumping. But the full scope of the irony hadn't hit me until now.

It makes me even more devoted to my sweetie, because she likes all the things I like in the humanities and science, and hates the things I hate in social "science" even more passionately than I hate them.

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