Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Battlestar Galactica is good sci-fi

I've been enjoying DVDs of Battlestar Galactica for the past few months.

I really enjoy the show because it uses science fiction to comment on current lives. I like aliens and spaceships and time travel, but it's most moving when the stories told are normal, human stories. Stories that relate to us. (Like the stories in the first season of The 4400.

Battlestar manages to tell the story of 9/11, of Iraq and Afghanistan and other struggles in the world today, only in a land of homicidal robots that look just like us. And in a time and place where the total number of living humans is less than 50,000. (Excellent way to raise the stakes.)

It's interesting playing catch up, because there are a lot of sleeper agents on the show, and I keep accidentally finding out major surprises online. It's also really interesting seeing two characters who each represent some aspect of George W. Bush's personality, facing off against each other.

Props to the actors, writers and crew of that show, for making good television. (I guess that is why they won a Peabody.)

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