Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Cell phones still banned in planes

This guy argues that cell phones are not allowed in planes because the government is lazy.

He does make a good point that terrorists could use phones to crash planes if that's an actual hazard.

But his first alleged real reason - to control the mob that's loaded onto every plane - seems like a really compelling one to me. I think planes should be quiet places full of people talking to each other, or reading, or listening to headphones. The noise and stress level on a plane would explode if everyone were trying to be heard on their phones. And flying is stressful and tense enough as it is.

I actually appreciate the government keeping me in the dark about current events for the few hours I'm actually in the plane. Ignorance is bliss. I'll be damned if I accept the government's secrecy about everything else in the universe, but their ban on cell phones on planes is fine by me.

Although I should get a watch. I don't enjoy not knowing what time it is on a plane, since the only timepiece I carry now is my phone.

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