Sunday, September 14, 2008

McCain's lies

An excellent column by Mark Rich highlights a number of things that McCain and Palin say they believe in, but don't. When you look at their past actions, here's what they actually stand for:

  • Gov. Palin lobbied for the "bridge to nowhere" and after it was canceled, kept the funding.
  • McCain and Obama's response to the Georgia crisis is the same.
  • McCain lied about who attacked us in 2001 (Osama bin Laden was the sole culprit)
  • Sen. McCain did not fully vet Gov. Palin.
  • Gov. Palin never issued a single order to Alaska's national guard.
  • Gov. Palin is under investigation for firing her sister's ex.

Not to mention Palin firing a librarian for not banning books, and McCain voting with Bush 90% of the time (according to his own estimation).

And Paul Krugman points out all the lies that McCain is telling about Obama. It's galling that the media is stuck in he said, she said mode, rather than calling out McCain on the bullshit. Obama voted to teach kindergarteners to protect themselves against predators. And the metaphor "lipstick on a pig" is a hackneyed metaphor used by lots of Republicans.

It's one thing to get beat by people who stand for something. It's really angering to have someone completely lie about their record and act like they're heroes. As Krugman points out, it makes the slick lies of the Bush administration look noble. At least they had the skill to use accounting trickery to make their lies hard to understand and hard to debunk. This is just stupid.

And yet, stupid seems to work for them. It's maddening that mindless stupidity, wrapped in the flag and indignation and "strong character" makes people want someone to lead us further into the hole of poison we're going down.

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