Thursday, August 9, 2007

Take that, Red Cross!

So, I previously wrote about the Red Cross trying to keep anyone from using a red cross on their products.

Well, now Johnson & Johnson is suing the Red Cross. Seems J&J used a red cross first aid emblem before The Red Cross used a red cross.

It's definitely dickishness karma. A truly universal symbol, probably pre-dating any particular corporate use, should be available to all. If Johnson&Johnson get control of the red cross as their own logo, that'd be dumb. But if they free it for all to use, I see nothing wrong with that.

Of course, the actual facts are that J&J want to be the only ones who sell first aid supplies, and don't want The Red Cross horning in on their market share. It's just greed meeting greed. Sigh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your kinda stuff, even if I am a Gramma...keep on writin'...