Thursday, July 28, 2011

Debt Limit

I'm trying to not get depressed about the whole debt limit thing. But occasionally I get angry with the hypocrisy of the Republican't position.

Yes, our level of debt is unsustainable. But it got that way thanks to Reagan and W. Bush. The deficits were huge under them. Clinton eliminated deficits, creating surpluses, and started paying off our debt. Bush wasted that progress, spending money on tax cuts, wars and prescription drugs (for seniors, not himself). Where the hell were all these whiners when Republican presidents were raising the debt limit, 17 times under Reagan and 7 times under Bush?

I start to wonder if all this crap is because President Obama is black. It's probably just because he's a Democrat, but sometimes I think it's racist, too. We'll see if they fix something or just crash the economy. I'm glad I have a fixed rate mortgage.

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