Saturday, October 16, 2010

Don Quijote - Asian Grocer

In Hawaii recently, I discovered the Japanese grocery chain Don Quijote.

They were pretty awesome, well stocked with American and Asian foods. But it got me thinking what other literary figures you could name retail establishments after.

  • Ebenezer Scrooge - basically Wal-Mart, but with a Victorian mascot.
  • Fallstaff's nursery - specializing in fruit trees and vegetable gardens.
  • Mrs. Dalloway's. No joke, I just think it's a charming name.
but maybe we should appropriate a Japanese cultural icon for a Mexican grocery.

  • Rashomon - every time you ask for a price, you get a different answer.
  • Kaguya-hime - No refunds or we'll send you back to the moon!
  • Taira no Kiyomori - clearly the perfect mascot for a delicatessen.

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