I already thought that people should be allowed to build a mosque wherever they want. If the other 2 mosques in Manhattan are overflowing, a new one should be built. If you're upset because there are Muslims worshiping in lower Manhattan, you should meet some Muslims and get to know them as people and not cartoons who object to cartoons.
Today I learned that the group wanting to build the controversial mosque is Sufi. The mystical, liberal, peaceful branch of Islam. It would be like the Amish wanting to build a church next to a Holocaust memorial - yes, they're German, but they're pacifist Germans who abhor the evils that happened and actively work to prevent future evil.
It's sad that people can be so racist and hate someone they don't know just because they're different. And pathetic that Republicans will probably get votes by yelling about this to get us to forget that the deficit they're so upset about was created by their tax cuts.
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