Friday, March 19, 2010

Jury Duty Adventures

I was almost on a jury this week. That's not that interesting. But seeing the top front page headline in the paper be the trial I almost sat on?

Wow. I'm glad I'm not on the jury, but mostly because that means I'm allowed to talk about it, and blog about it, and read the newspaper. I'm almost tempted to go sit in the courtroom and listen in on parts of the trial, just because it's so lurid and interesting. The same reasons it's the top story in the paper.


Unknown said...

Wow. How close were you to sitting on the jury?

Anders said...

I was in the pool of 60 for that particular trial, answering questions by the lawyers.

I was juror #17, so if 5 others before me got bumped and I didn't, I'd be in a trial for 3 more weeks.

Lucky for me, I think, they didn't like my answers to the questions, so I got bumped very quickly. Largely, I suspect, because I was in the Boy Scouts for many years.