I'm not terribly surprised to learn that the right wing lies about healthcare are exactly the same arguments that were made against Medicare and Social Security.
And everyone wants to protect those. Except for the pesky fact that they cost money, which means taxation of some form.
But I was truly surprised by a chart showing healthcare survey results. Although I shouldn't have been. Who wants healthcare reform the most? The young and the poor, people who don't have insurance now who would benefit the most. The elderly poor are more ambivalent, because they already have Medicare and the uninsured young can suck it.
Who is most opposed to reform? The old and wealthy, who not only have Medicare, but could buy insurance if they had to. They (accurately, I suspect) probably fear that they're the ones who will have to pay most of the bill for expanded insurance subsidies.
There's some regional differences. New York is more pro-reform. Red states are more anti-reform. But the generational and economic divide is stark.
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