Saturday, April 18, 2009

Texas Secession?

I'm not sure how I feel about the current talk about secession by Texas' governor. My first reflex was, "Fine, why don't you? Your ideology has been holding our country back for years." I did definitely contemplate what it would take to make me leave here for Canada a couple times.

But Texas is a big part of our nation. A lot of people live there, and there are a lot of connections between there and the rest of the country. It would be a wound to our nation to rip that part of it out. Which would be equally true of any state, whether it was Florida, Vermont or North Dakota.

Texas was its own nation once, and it has a Oklahoma sized chip on its shoulder because of it. If they successfully seceded, it would shift the balance of power in this country to the left a notch. But as liberal socialist as I am, I do believe hippies like me need insane cowboys to point out our mistakes and hold us back from overreaching with our own liberal ideas. Even if the time has come for lots of liberal government solutions to the disatrous mistakes of the last 8 years. Losing Texas would weaken our nation, because we'd lose smart people telling liberals about the errors of their ways.

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